Functions on a operationg system(OS)

An operating system is the most important software that runs a computer.

It manages all the hardware and software on the computer.

3 most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux

2.9.1 User interface

The user interface is the point of human to computer interaction/communication of a device.

It is the way the user interacts with the website/application

Types include:

graphical user interface(GUI)-user interacts with digital control panels e.g computer desktop.

comand line interface(CLI)-proccesses commands to computer in form of text.

menu driven user interface- employs a series of screens that allows user to make choices.

touch user interface-when user has to physically touch the screen.

voice user interface(VUI)- user interacts through their voices. e.g siri,alexa

form-based user interface-user interacts with app by selecting diffferent possibilities

natural language user interface(NLUI)-allows user to interact with human language.

examples include:


remote control




2.9.2 managing system recources

Controls what starts up and what stops.

uses RAM(random access memory)

when RAM is all used process runs slower or computer crashes

to coordinate different tasks such as printing several documents from different users, an OS  places these in a buffer for printing one after the other

a buffer is a place in memory

2.9.3 managing security and access rights

an OS can grant/deny access

  1. User names and passwords – these are names and passwords registered with the operating system to whom it allows access at the time of login.
  2. Key Cards – these are physical cards programmed by the OS with unique identifying information that allows the user to login to the system.
  3. User attributes – The operating system registers unique physical characteristics of the user (called attributes) to identify him at login. These may include fingerprints, signatures, and eye retina patterns.

allocates rights to particular users based on administrator requirements

 give access to all, or some, network resources 

File backups that entail backing up of data, files and folders associated with applications and programs. These can be saved within the system or to an external data storage. And,

System Image Backups that entail backing up of the OS along with programs, applications, and files. It facilitates a successful restore of the entire system to its original state. This is necessary in the event the OS itself is corrupted or crashes or some irreversible disaster occurs due to physical threat. Image backup will ensure a complete roll back of the whole machine.

2.9.4 Running applications

An OS provides users to start application

once App is started placed into RAM

When User shuts down app OS removes it ffrom RAM


Name 3 types of User intrerfaces?

What does RAM stand for and what happens when all the RAM is used?

What can a Buffer be used for?


User, S., 2021. AIT – What functions does an operating system (OS) perform?. [online] Available at: <; [Accessed 13 April 2021].

Churchville, F., 2021. What is User Interface (UI)?. [online] SearchAppArchitecture. Available at: <,an%20application%20or%20a%20website.&gt; [Accessed 7 April 2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <,about%20what%20to%20do%20next.&gt; [Accessed 7 April 2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <; [Accessed 13 April 2021].

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