question for 6.1.3

Q: Define lossless compression, and name 2 examples.

Marking Key:

Definition:Compression technique that doesn’t lose any data in the compression processMarks: 1
Examples:Any two of the following; Huffman, Shannon-Fano, LZ77, LZ78, or any others that they can think of that are correct Marks: 2

6.7.4 – 3 Questions

Q. What is a virus ( 1 mark)

A. A computer virus is usually a small software program that can spread from one computer system to another and cause interferences with computer operations.

Marking Key:

(1 mark) States the definition of a virus.

Accept other relevant answers.

Q. What is the difference between virus and malware? (2 marks)

A. Virus attacks the files on the hard drive, causing corruption and errors. Malware launches a malicious code to slow down the computer and/or steal personal data.

Marking Key:

(1 mark) explains the differences of a virus.

(1 mark) explains the differences of malware.

Accept other relevant answers.

Q. List 3 indicators that your computer is infected (3 marks)

A. Slow downs, Constant freezes, antivirus software always disabled and unable to be re-enabled.

Marking Key:

1 mark for every possible indicator of computer infection

Accept other relevant answers.


What is disk clean up tool? (1 mark)

Answer: Disk clean up is a computer maintenance utility function that is included in Microsoft Windows.

How and what is it used for? (2 marks)

Answer: It is designed to free up disk space in the computer’s hard drive.


Explain the purpose of deleting temporary files and internet cache? (2 marks)

Due to temporary files and internet cache taking up lots of unessersary storage space deleting these files will provide your device with necessary storage space for other files

6 questions

1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of lossy compression (2 marks)

Adv – Smaller file size

Dis – Loose some data and some quality

1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of lossless compression (2 marks)

Adv – Keep audio quality and all data

Dis – Large file size

Define cropping (1 marks)

Deleting parts of an image that are unnecessary

Define and give 1 example antimalware software (2 marks)

Antimalware is a type of software program created to protect information technology (IT) systems and individual computers from malicious software, or malware. Antimalware programs scan a computer system to prevent, detect and remove malware.


Definition of cloud computing (1 marks)

Storing data over the internet

Purpose of managing data (1 marks)

  • Organise data
  • Optimise finding and using data
  • unify file types


What is cropping? (2 marks)

  • A feature in a graphics editor that allows you to remove some of the the original file that is not required in the image.

What is de-fragmentation? (1 mark)

  • Defragmentation is a way to solve disc fragmentation which moves the groups of data that are used together/are from the same file or executable near each other so they can be read more efficiently.

What is the purpose/advantages of compressing data so it can be transferred and displayed? [3marks]

Reductions in storage hardware, data transmission time, and communication bandwidth [1mark] -> reduce cost

Less storage capacity than uncompressed files [1mark] -> decrease in expenses for storage. [1mark]

List two strategies for efficient online data management. [2marks]

Data archiving [1mark]

Data synchronisation [1mark]

Access to primary data [1mark]

Efficiently process data [1mark]

What is cropping? [2marks]

is a method of removing some of the original file that is not needed that [1mark]

use a graphics editor to include only the parts you want in the image. [1mark]

List three strategies for efficient document version control [3marks]

these documents often have a version control table as their first page listing who is working on it, dates, when, draft or final [1mark]

version numbers in the footer help people know which version they are reading [1 mark]

a trick to keep a document from being written over is to make it Read Only, then it must saved as different version [1 mark]

Homework – 3 questions

6.3 Optimisation of Files

Q. Explain File optimisation. (3 marks)

A. File optimisation removes any unused space, which results in smaller file sizes, which leads to performance improvements, albeit somewhat temporary.

Marking Key:

File optimisation removes any unused space. (1 mark)

File optimisation results in smaller file sizes. (1 mark)

File optimisation leads to performance improvements, albeit somewhat temporary. (1 mark)

Accept other relevant answers.

6.3.1 Digital or Online

Q. What is the process of digital optimisation? (1 mark)

A. Digital optimisation is the process of using digital technology to improve the performance of digital files or products.

Marking Key:

Correctly states the process of digital optimisation. (1 mark)

Accept other relevant answers.

6.3.2 Print

Q. Explain what print does and how. (2 marks)

A. Minimising the file size for slightly better performance. Print isolates the text & graphics that will be the same on each document in a print run from the text and graphics that will be different on each document in that print run.

Marking Key:

Explains what print does. (1 mark)

Explains how print does what it does. (1 mark)

Accept other relevant answers.